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ACD: NewPELT 2022, para docentes de Inglês

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9H30 - Opening Session

Ana R. Luís | Coordenadora da Formação Inicial e Contínua de Professores de Inglês (3.º ciclo & ES) – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra

9H45 - Global Citizenship Education in ELT: getting back to a 'pedadogy of engagement'

Mónica Lourenço

10H45 - BREAK

11H00 - Citizenship in the 60’s counterculture movement: Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan

Vasco Ribeiro

11H30 - Promoting active citizenship through volunteering in ELT

Fabiana Massano

12H00 - The evolution of the Media and how it affects information

Patrícia Gonçalves

12H30 - LUNCH

14H00 - Intercultural citizenship and ELT: empowering students and teachers through eTwinning

Cristina Domingues

15H00 - BREAK

15H10 - Exploring Linguistic Landscapes in the English Language Classroom: Can the LoCALL App ‘do the trick’?

Mónica Lourenço

16H10 - BREAK

16H20 - Need an upgrade?

Carlos Rodrigues

17H20 - Closing session

Ana R. Luís


Talk: Global Citizenship Education in ELT: getting back to a 'Pedadogy of Engagement'

Critical pedagogies have been (re-) entering the ELT field in recent years, in line with current social and political movements (e.g., Black Lives Matter, Schools Strike for Climate, #metoo). Promoting students’ (and teachers’) social activism and engagement is no longer an option.

In this talk I illustrate ways in which Global Citizenship Education can be used in the English language classroom to help students critically engage with global issues. I will also present ‘HEADS UP’, a tool designed to support a complex and ethical analysis of representations of global issues, which can help English language teachers develop a more critical approach to classroom activities and learning resources.

Mónica Lourenço, Universidade de Aveiro

Mónica Lourenço é doutorada em Didática e Formação pela Universidade de Aveiro, onde exerce funções como investigadora. Desde 2014 colabora também como docente e supervisora no Departamento de Educação e Psicologia desta universidade, nomeadamente no âmbito da prática pedagógica supervisionada. As suas principais áreas de investigação são a formação de professores e a didática de línguas, em interseção com a educação para a cidadania global. CV:


Webinar: Exploring Linguistic Landscapes in the English Language Classroom: Can the LoCALL App ‘do the trick’?

In this webinar, teachers will become acquainted with the LoCALL App, a pedagogical resource that invites students, teachers, and others to explore linguistic landscapes, while playing (and co-creating) a multiple-choice question game. The App is one of the outputs of LoCALL (Local Linguistic Landscapes for Global Language Education in the School Context -, an Erasmus+ project that harnesses multilingualism in learning and social environments for language education and intercultural awareness.

The webinar is organized in two parts. In the first part, teachers will be introduced to the concept of linguistic landscapes, as well as to the potential and practicalities of using linguistic landscapes in education. In the second part of the webinar, teachers will explore the LoCALL App and some of its games to discuss its applicability in ELT.

Participants are advised to download the LoCALL App from Google Play or App Store prior to the session. Alternatively, they can scan the appropriate QR code below.


Google Play

Mónica Lourenço, Universidade de Aveiro

Mónica Lourenço é doutorada em Didática e Formação pela Universidade de Aveiro, onde exerce funções como investigadora. Desde 2014 colabora também como docente e supervisora no Departamento de Educação e Psicologia desta universidade, nomeadamente no âmbito da prática pedagógica supervisionada. As suas principais áreas de investigação são a formação de professores e a didática de línguas, em interseção com a educação para a cidadania global. CV:


Webinar: Intercultural citizenship and ELT: empowering students and teachers through eTwinning

Become an eTwinner and empower your students! Be inspired by award-winning projects and see how technology may become ubiquitous in your classroom while developing intercultural and citizenship skills.

In this webinar, we will start with a brief presentation of how eTwinning works and continue with an outline of its benefits for the language classroom. We will then show how to employ the free tools and applications available in the eTwinning online platform and how language teachers can benefit from them. Keeping collaboration and networking as key features, we will also discover how to establish a network of collaborators and bring real communication into the classroom, through the engaging eTwinning projects.

This is a talk for anyone who is interested in language learning and intercultural citizenship education through digital media with the support of eTwinning projects.

Cristina Domingues

Professora de Inglês no Agrupamento de Escolas a Lã e a Neve, Covilhã. Mestre em Ensino de Inglês no 3° Ciclo e Secundário pela Universidade de Coimbra. Formadora Certificada pelo Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua (Educação em Inglês, Didáticas Específicas - Inglês). Microsoft Innovative Education Expert e Coordenadora Erasmus. Convidada regular da Organização Nacional de Apoio eTwinning/ERTE/DGE no âmbito da sua ação ITE (Initial Teacher Education).


Webinar: Need an upgrade?

Neste Webinar damos exemplos de recursos educativos digitais (RED) para aulas mais dinâmicas e inovadoras. Apresentamos ferramentas e aplicações que permitem construir ambientes de aprendizagem presenciais e virtuais; damos exemplos de métodos e estratégias de aprendizagem ativa com recurso ao vídeo; apresentamos estratégias de gamificação e exploramos formas de avaliação dinâmica. Se anda à procura de um upgrade – está no sítio certo.

Carlos Rodrigues

Doutorado em Multimédia em Educação (Universidade de Aveiro). Professor de Inglês no AE Penalva do Castelo. Formador no Centro Edufor (na área das Tecnologias da Educação e Inglês), Formador no âmbito do PTD (Capacitação digital dos docentes). Integra projetos Erasmus+ KA1 na área da formação de professores.


Sharing best practices:

Citizenship in the 60’s counterculture movement: Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan Understanding culture is not and should not be about acknowledging past tradition detached from the human environments in which they emerged. On the contrary, culture is closely connected with the lives and worldviews of the people and is tightly linked to people’s values. In this session, I will share a lesson about the counterculture movement in the US, along with materials aiming to develop citizenship awareness through the analysis of cultural values.

Vasco Ribeiro,

Estagiário de Inglês/Alemão, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra


Sharing best practices:

Promoting active citizenship through volunteering in ELT

Volunteering is the act of willingly performing actions of social interest. This is an important topic as it helps to build the concept of citizenship in our students, calling for reflection and action on the problems felt by society. In this session, I will show how to raise awareness to the importance of Volunteering in an English as a Foreign Language class, through the use of interactive and authentic materials that capture students' attention and develop their critical thinking.

Fabiana Massano,

Estagiária de Inglês/Francês, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra


Sharing best practices:

The evolution of the Media and how it affects information

The evolution of the Media has deeply affected our views of the world, specially our views on communication. The Media constitutes a web of content that allows for information to be spread easily with little to no real consequences of what is being said. As young people are being raised in an environment of instant access to information, it is essential to be aware of fake news and the spread of misinformation. This lesson helps students to think critically about this constant flow of information.

Patrícia Gonçalves,

Estagiária de Inglês/Português, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra


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